Make the impossible, possible – visualisation

Do your beliefs hold you back? Do you tell yourself that some things are too hard – or impossible?

Everything is impossible – until you know how to do it. These days most knowledge is a few clicks away. Making it possible is not about having an instruction manual – it is about actually doing it. That’s where our imagination and vision make all the difference. Being able to imagine yourself succeeding – really see and feel that brighter future – is what it’s all about. Then it’s just about following the instructions

The power of visualisation

A Harvard Medical School study compared 2 groups of people. 1 group practiced a piano piece for 2 hours a day. The other group thought about a piano piece for 2 hours a day. Both groups achieved the same results! Even though the second group didn’t touch a piano.

High performing sports people have known about this for ages. You see them at the Olympics  – at the start of a race or before attempting a high jump, or at the World Cup before taking a penalty. They close their eyes, the move a bit, and their facial expressions change. They are visualisation the best case scenario – the perfect race, jump or penalty. Guess what … it works. Business magazine (like Forbes) write about it, psychologists use it, so do coaches.

Just like bravery – this is for all of us. Basically – thoughts become reality!

Why does it work

  • It activates your subconscious – if we’re only using 10% of our potential – this activates some of the other 90%
  • Programs your brain – neurons that fire together, wire together – it strengthens the good bits
  • Law of attraction – the more you focus on something, the more you become aware of the opportunities around you – once you see them, you can take advantage of them. Stuff will quite simply start showing up for you!
  • Motivation – your ideal future is worth working towards – right?

Remember – thoughts become reality. We’ve been born with a negative bias – we need to counteract it.

It takes you somewhere between 5-15 minutes. Here’s a free 2 page guide that steps you through a simple visualisation exercise. Here’s the link the visualisation guide.

Give it a go – your future’s gotta be worth spending 5 minutes with your eyes closed!

Here’s the video version for those of you who prefer to watch:

Be Brave

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