
Welcome to Brave New Blokes. This blog helps men deal with tough times and real life challenges. While it’s aimed at men, I’m sure it can help others too. It’s open, honest, vulnerable, and hopefully practical as well. To learn more about this – check out Who Are Brave New Blokes.

Featured Article – The Power of not giving a f**k

  • The Power of not giving a f**k
    I no longer worry about what others think about me. That sounds great, but it wasn’t easy to get to this point. I was brought up in a pretty nice environment. My parents were nice, my friends’ parents were nice. I turned out pretty nice. We tried to avoid trouble. We worried about what other people thought about us. We avoided conflict where possible, at least until it was too late, and then someone had a blow up, and pretty soon we could all move past it and pretend that… Read more: The Power of not giving a f**k

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